
Deodorizing Lubricants for Ostomates -1-

In this tips, we provide insights into deodorizing lubricants for ostomates, which covering a general overview of these lubricants, including their effectiveness, and proceed to evaluate each product available domestically, considering their individual features.


1, What is Deodorizing Lubricant for Ostomates?

As part of stoma care products, deodorizing lubricants for pouches (sometimes referred to as lubricating deodorants) are available from various companies. In contrast to general deodorants used for room, bathroom, or clothing deodorizing and sterilization purposes, deodorizing lubricants for ostomates are intended to be injected into the pouch bag.

These products primarily serve the purpose of reducing the odor of excrement by injecting them into the bag through the stoma hole on the face plate before attaching the pouch, or even during wear by injecting through the pouch outlet. Additionally, they improve the slipperiness of the excrement retained inside the pouch, making the elimination process easier.

2, Efficacy of Deodorizing Lubricants and Key Selection Criteria for Each Products

The expected benefits of these products include:
 1, Deodorizing properties
 2, Lubricating properties

Although not explicitly mentioned on any product description pages, it’s worth considering a reduction in the effort required for toilet cleaning as one of the utility factors, serving to simplify the process of waste elimination for ostomates. Many ostomates may find post-elimination toilet cleaning bothersome, and lubricants can be expected to alleviate some of these tasks.

In addition to the effectiveness of points 1 and 2 (which will be reported on for each company’s product in subsequent tips), when choosing a product from the various options offered by different companies, the following factors are also crucial:
 3. Safety for stoma & skin
 4, Cost performance
 5, Easiness to use
These considerations will be important in selecting the most suitable product for your needs.

Regarding “Safety“, all companies have demonstrated the safety of their products, because of the possibility for adhesion to the stoma and abdominal wall.

The components used in these products are largely derived from agents commonly found in general cosmetics. Considering them as cosmetics for deodorizing and lubricating purposes, one can gain a general understanding of their safety.

The main ingredients included in these products are deodorants, antibacterial agents, preservatives, lubricants, pigments (coloring), and fragrances (some are fragrance-free).

For deodorants (including antibacterial function), the use of naturally derived deodorizing substances such as persimmon extract, sugarcane extract, green tea extract, and corn extract is common as well as copper ions.

As lubricants, surfactants (both cationic and non-ionic types) achieve lubrication inside the pouch and with the excrement.

Preservatives come in “Paraben-Used” and “Paraben-Free” types. Parabens are generally safe preservatives, but there are users who may develop allergies to this ingredient, making the option of paraben-free products a positive choice.

Concerning “Cost performance, Cost-effectiveness“, the table below ranks commercially available products based on the cost per use. However, the overall cost can vary significantly based on the user’s usage patterns, which will be explained later.

For “Easiness to use“, this aspect is crucial for the future adoption of deodorizing lubricants. According to input from WOC nurses, the desired easiness to use for ostomates has not been fully realized, and at this point, they are not actively recommending these products to ostomates. This will be further explained in upcoming tips, where improvement strategies from various perspectives will be discussed.

3, Adoption Rate and Potential Market of Deodorizing Lubricants among Domestic Ostomates

The current usage rate (adoption rate) of deodorizing lubricants among domestic ostomates who use them regularly is estimated to be around 17% to 21% of the total ostomate population, based on our proprietary analysis of the annual market size(we’ve also received information suggesting that the adoption rate is higher among users from other sources). But this translates to roughly 1 in 5 or 1 in 6 ostomates in the country using these products, indicating a relatively modest adoption rate.

Next, let’s consider the potential market. It’s essential to take into account the ratio of ostomates using drainable pouches versus closed pouches. This is because lubrication is less of an issue with disposable types.

In Japan, the vast majority of ostomates use drainable pouches, with our domestic survey indicating that over 80% of ostomates are users of drainable pouches. A similar situation is observed in other Asian countries, while the United States has a slightly lower proportion of drainable pouch users compared to Japan.

On the other hand, in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, there is a considerable number of ostomates using closed-type pouches without an outlet. Nevertheless, drainable pouches remain the main choice.

From these observations, it can be inferred that 70% to 80% of the total ostomate population requires or is highly interested in care related to the odor and multiple discharge tasks during waste elimination. In reality, the use of deodorizing lubricants is perceived to improve stoma life due to their effectiveness. This product category has the potential to become widely popular.

However, there is a significant usability issue that we recognize. We will delve into this aspect in future reports. If a deodorizing lubricant that meets the needs of ostomates is developed, the market could expand several times over, and this trend may even have the potential to spread globally in the future.

4. Deodorizing Lubricants for Ostomates Available in the Domestic Market

The bellow chart is the deodorizing lubricants available for purchase. In addition to existing stoma care product manufacturers such as Alcare, Coloplast, ConvaTec, B. Braun, and Hollister, “M.P.I. Co., Ltd.” as the sales representative of medical-related products offers private brand products.

As part of their respective product lineups, each company offers bottle types as well as on-the-go options such as mini-packs, mini-bottles, and refill options.

Note 1: “Foam Tururin” from Hollister may give the impression of a foamy liquid based on its product name, but in reality, it is a clear liquid that, when used, creates a foamy texture within the pouch.

Note 2: ConvaTec’s “Niof” is manufactured by Panasonic Eco Systems Co., Ltd., and it is labeled as a double brand.

Next, will present the ranking of each product based on the cost per use.
Impressions suggest that there isn’t a significant difference between manufacturers, with all companies appearing to be in a similar range. However, refill packages tend to be slightly more economical. The cost per use varies from 70 yen to 140 yen, resulting in a twofold difference. Excluding portable options, the range narrows to around 70 yen to 110 yen per use.

However, it’s crucial to note that the injection volume per use significantly affects the cost. While instructions typically recommend 8ml to 10ml per use, the effectiveness is not solely determined by the amount used. This can be perplexing because the impact can vary considerably depending on the volume and composition of the excrement at a given moment. Injecting a generous amount of deodorizing lubricant may feel wasteful if the volume of excrement is minimal, a sentiment that is understandable.

5. Considering the Future of Deodorizing Lubricants for Ostomates

According to feedback from representatives of stoma care product distributors in Japan, there seems to be an appeal as distributors regarding the deodorizing lubricant product. However, there appears to be a slight variation in the commitment of manufacturers, possibly influenced by the higher prevalence of closed-type pouches and the dominance of European manufacturers.

Additionally, based on discussions with WOC nurses, while they acknowledge a certain level of effectiveness within this product category, they haven’t reached the stage where they confidently recommend continuous usage and its benefits to all ostomates under their care.

Nevertheless, We’d like to emphasize that this product category holds the potential to further enhance the stoma life of ostomates worldwide, and we believe that its market has significant room for expansion. We will gradually explain more in the following tips.

to be continued


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